October comes to the valley

 Painted the house grey and made some fall buntings.

 Made a mini wall hanging quilt to match my buntings and thought it would be a quick easy project. nope. Over a hundred little pieces and it took so much time and precision that I could have made a full size quilt in the same time. No more of these for me.
 This won't mean anything unless you saw our back porch before.

Got the barn painted and the barn quilt trimmed out.
 Love the fall colors right outside my window.
  A quick trip to the Pumpkin Patch.

 Sages team won the areas volleyball Championship! We were so proud of her, so fun that her first year they won't the championships!
 The girls picked and washed over 30 pounds of carrots the other day. Should be good eating this winter. Now for the tators.