
Heres some pictures from the last few weeks. So far fall has consisted of running Sage around to volleyball, Siena to basketball, Little boys birthday, my oldest daughter turing into a TEENAGER, (gulp) the second round of English rose blooms, lots of kittens running around and this cute new little arrival we named Luna. 

 Love this picture of the girls and their cousin Ava.

 The kitten we kept, who is the cutest cat I've ever seen.

 Skye and Patches, the friendliest cat Ive ever met.

 A sweet little girl cousin swinging on the swing

 My teenager.
 I find this picture funny, here I am pregnant while throwing a party for my teenage daughter. Feel free to chuckle.

 Love this girl, she has so much responsibility. This is her second year at the middle school/junior high and she navigates around a school bigger than the whole town I grew up in, she gets up at 5am in the morning for volleyball practise on some days and she still does all her chores and meets the bus every morning before its even light out. She's the very first person on the bus (this includes all routes) because we live the absolute farthest from the middle school you can be and still be in the district. Which means she rides the bus longer than any other kid in her school. (I believe theres about 1400 kids in middle school) And she never complains. She's the easiest, laid back, happiest girl in the world.
 Little boy blue turned five. And wanted an all super hero birthday.

Finally got my barn quilt done and hung after years of talking about it. We repainted the house last week but decided to paint barn and shop next spring so for now it will have to do to have a nice barn quilt on a very shabby looking barn....